Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Goals

Hello all of my invisible imaginary readers!
I have decided to take a pledge to not buy any new clothes for two months. I just now decided this as I am laying her sick at home, then knowing I needed another blog post, I headed over here to write about it. Plus last weekend I emptied almost half of my checking account on new clothes...
 there wasn't much in there in way....
Over there at Wardrobe Refashion they have a place where you can pledge two, four, or six months. There is also a life option, but I mean come on, who could do that?
Unless you're already really old and don't ever need new clothes...
With New Year's being just a few weeks ago, and me not making a resolution, this will be mine.
It also happens to be SUPER handy that my mom just cleaned out her closet. That women had more clothes than anyone would have expected. But its all in my favor! I scored some awesome granny stretchy wasted pants, a few button ups, and other odd pieces.
So I will get on that....
when I get up off this couch...